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Monetising your Social Media Channels.

Monetisation social media

Posted on January 24th, 2017 by David Taplin

It can be a tricky thing earning money through Social Media and it can also seem like an uphill struggle to make significant headway in converting business as a result.

As strange as it sounds, sales and monetisation through Social Media should not be the starting point but more of a goal that you head towards further on down the line as a result of you having laid out a solid Social Media strategy.

Social Media has never, and should never be about ‘hard sales’, it should be more about building online relationships between people with the use of great quality, unique content with a view to striking up longer term relationships.

Having said all of that, Social Media can be a very powerful money making tool as long as you abide by these simple rules:

1) Don’t go in with the ‘Hard Sell’, build stable relationships before the sales pitch.
2) Any content relating to sales, as a rule of thumb, should never exceed 10% of the total content posted.
3) Excite & interest before attempting to slip in any hint of sales.
4) If you direct users to your website from social media, make sure the journey is consistent with the original content and message posted.
5) Don’t forget to use social paid media, can be a very cost effective way of attracting traffic.

Most businesses steam in using their social media channels, and all they post is information on their products and why you should buy from them, then wonder why they are not converting any business at all.

Social Media users need to be treated with ‘kid-gloves’ in terms of the information you expect them to read, digest and act on. The relationship should be seen as more of a P2P (Person to Person) as opposed to a B2B (Business to Business) or a B2C (Business to Consumer).

Probably the most important thing to remember, apart from posting quality content that looks to excite readers, is to ensure that you implement effective and accurate metrics to track what is working and what is not. This will allow you to build on trends that have worked particularly well for you and have made tangible gains or sales.

We would love to know about your experiences with regards to running social media channels for your business and the success you have had as a result, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.


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