Posted on May 19th, 2017 by David Taplin
My Hosing Bubble are delighted to announce that we now offer Let’s Encrypt SSL as standard with all of our hosting packages.
Let’s Encrypt SSL is a new Certificate Authority (CA) who offers FREE SSL certificates that are just as secure as some of the existing certificates in circulation which currently cost money.
The objective of Let’s Encrypt is to make it possible to set up an HTTPS server and have it automatically obtain a browser-trusted certificate, without any human intervention.
The Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate has a lifetime 90 days, so we will automatically renew your certificate every 60 days.
The ‘Let’s Encrypt’ project is a large step forward for security and privacy on the Internet.
Benefits of using Let’s Encrypt
There are numerous benefits to using the Let’s Encrypt Certificate such as:
- It Costs Nothing – That’s right it’s absolutely free! If you own a domain name you can add a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate to it.
- Very Easy to install – The process to both purchase and install the Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates is very easy. There is no payment required, no validation emails, and certificates renew automatically.
- It’s Secure – Don’t let the fact the technology is free put you off, this technology uses all of the latest security techniques and best practices.
- It’s Available Now – Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificates are available to install and use now.
- HTTP/2 compatible – With an SSL protected website you can use the HTTP/2 protocol and have your pages load faster and more efficiently.
If you would like to know more about our Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificate offering, then please get in touch with us.